Seeds of Truth Radio
The Book of Exodus
Join Dr. Joseph Hollcraft as he explores the verse by verse drama of the Book of Exodus.
Joseph's study will be sure to include reflections for practical application each week.
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Joe's Recommended Books
In our last installment of Book Reviews, we took up Theology of the Body (TOB) Explained . Out from this subject matter, we will focus on a read that has us engaging a topic that is found in the chapters of TOBExplained , the plight of pornography. In his book Delivered , Matt Fradd takes you... Read more
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From Joe's Desk...
There is Something Exceptional About You
Recently, my youngest daughter was adding color to something she had drawn. Not only was the drawing quite good for a toddler, but her selection of shade and color was equally impressive. For whatever reason, she decided to erase her selection of shade and color, only to have her older... Read more
God is the Protagonist
As you walk into our home through the mudroom, and turn to your left, you will see something recognizable to all homes with growing children: vertical boards alongside the door with pencil dashes and numbers. The pencil dashes and numbers represent the marked height of each child on their birthday... Read more
A Vision from the Hilltop
We believe that God created the world according to his wisdom. It is not the product of any necessity whatever, nor of blind fate or chance. We believe that it proceeds from God's free will; he wanted to make his creatures share in his being, wisdom and goodness: ‘For you... Read more