Seeds of Truth Radio
The Book of Exodus
Join Dr. Joseph Hollcraft as he explores the verse by verse drama of the Book of Exodus.
Joseph's study will be sure to include reflections for practical application each week.
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Joe's Recommended Books
In the twentieth Century, Fulton J. Sheen, born in 1895 in Illinois and baptized as Peter, walked into the history of the Church and left an indelible mark as an evangelist, a missionary and, most of all, as a priest “acting in the person of Christ” (p. 3). His autobiography Treasure in Clay was... Read more
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Gift Inc., or Inc. into the Gift
I remember walking into Costco on November 1 of this year, and being quite struck by the reality of what has taken shape in our consumer saturated culture. The day before was about costumes and trick-or-treating; the day after was about Christmas trees and ornaments. You see, once the commercial... Read more
Jesus at the Center
I still recall my Western Civilization Professor strolling late into class. He explained, “I just left a meeting in which I found out history books will no longer be using B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (Anno Domini) on our timelines but B.C.E. (Before Common Era) and C.E. (Common Era).” He... Read more
What is that one thing?
There is an old Latin adage: modus operandi , meaning “method of operation.” While today it has many applications (criminal investigations being one of them), one of its initial applications had a rich spiritual context. It was a phrase often employed to challenge Christians in how they were living out... Read more