Seeds of Truth Ministries

Joseph Hollcraft

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Come and See

I still recall as a young boy walking to our local grocery store, and one of my older brothers going underneath a bridge to find some crayfish. At the time, I had no idea what he was doing, or why he would be doing anything other than getting to the... Read more

Stretch for God

What is the first thing we do when we wake up in the morning—if not, before we get out of bed? Stretch (and yawn). We do this instinctively. Our bodies need to stretch after a good night’s rest, because it loosens our muscles and helps blood circulation. Stretching is more... Read more

The Son Becomes the Father and the Father Becomes the Son

In June of 2006 my wife and I went to the theatre to watch Superman Returns. As usual, I did not leave disappointed: from the imaginative cinematography to the engaging storylines, the movie moved swiftly along, but it was one encounter that had the hair on my skin stand up... Read more
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The Nativity Scene: Limitless Love

This past Christmas season, I saw all kinds of different nativity scenes: life-sized, undersized, vibrant, unadorned, stilted, encased in glass and many others (the Hollcraft family got their act together and finally purchased a simple version of the nativity scene to highlight the front yard). Whatever shape, form, or material they appeared in, the figures of Jesus, Mary and Joseph were like a magnet for me. Whenever and wherever I saw a nativity scene, I was inspired to reflect into the virtues of the Incarnation with greater frequency than ever before.  While there are many virtues that are linked to the Incarnation, I could not get past the one virtue that binds every other virtue, love--the great act of love that snuck behind enemy lines to bring profound light into profound darkness.

My meditations before the nativity scenes were guided by the singular truth that love is the ultimate truth. Why? Because God is Love. God is not like love, or another kind of love, His very essence is love. There is nothing in God that is absent of love.

So how might we better understand God who is love? God’s love is limitless. In the gospel of John, we read that Christ does not portion out His love, His Spirit (cf. Jn 3:34). His love is boundless, literally speaking--infinite. As Father Dave Pivonka, T.O.R., popular author and speaker once observed, everything about our material world is limited, rationed out. Maybe this is why God’s love is so foreign to us; maybe this is why we are so drawn to the nativity scene (or at least why I am). We are very good at measuring things out, giving a little here and a little there, but always keeping enough for ourselves. While being frugal is not a bad thing, we have to be mindful that God calls us to imitate His limitless love. The logic of Christian love holds nothing back, it gives everything---it is unconditional. In other words, Christian love does not condition itself to anything, not even another person’s weaknesses or failures. Certainly, we desire others to love us in spite of our own weaknesses. God calls us to the heroic love that has us loving (and forgiving) the very person that is probably last on our Christmas gift list (see blog titled: “Enough is never enough until…” for further reflection into this topic).

That being said, if love is the ultimate truth, what role does truth play in love? Here, let us turn to the wisdom of Benedict XVI. While reflecting into the dangers of love devoid of truth, the now retired pontiff had this to say:

"[We] need to link charity with truth not only in the sequence, pointed out by Saint Paul, of veritas in caritate (Eph 4:15),     but also in the inverse and complementary sequence of caritas in veritate. Truth needs to be sought, found and expressed within the “economy” of charity, but charity in its turn needs to be understood, confirmed and practiced in the light of truth. In this way, not only do we do a service to charity enlightened by truth, but we also help give credibility to truth, demonstrating its persuasive and authenticating power in the practical setting of social living" (Charity in Truth, 2).

So our limitless love is always “to be understood, confirmed and practiced in the light of truth.” Christ is the full revelation of love, but also “the way, and the truth, and the life” (Jn 14:6).  Truth can be discerned (reasoned) and should always be “sought, found, and expressed within the ‘economy’ of charity.'”  We are wired for truth and truth will set us free, especially if our actions reflect the truth of Christ, Who is love incarnate.

The nativity scene is an acute visual reminder that God entered into our temporal history two thousand years ago; an acute visual reminder that God is real. However, for some, it seems, God’s existence is a stumbling block and therefore the Christmas season is a time that should not have religion in it. Unfortunately, they make attempts to have the term Christmas removed from our collective cultural conscience. But there is a thing about truth, it won’t go away. For both believers and unbelievers alike, Christmas has a mysterious aura about it, whether it is embraced or shunned, the deep reality it points to gently presses itself upon us.  Jesus was real, is real, and will never stop being real. We need to open ourselves, allow ourselves to embrace the ultimate truth of God’s limitless love. I, for one, was inspired by the many and varied nativity scenes this past Christmas season. Now, inspiration needs to turn into integration. Pray for me as I will pray for you!.

View Dr. Hollcraft's author profile on Amazon
Unleashing the Power of Intercessory Prayer - Book Cover

“Hollcraft's book engagingly integrates his personal experience with the luminous witness of Scripture and the overflowing holiness of the saints to help you maximize the effectiveness of your intercessory prayer.”
Bishop Liam Cary
Diocese of Baker, Oregon

“With this book, Hollcraft opens the door to the humble act of praying for others and invites us, through practical and accessible tips, to step through that door with trust.”
Dr. Anthony Lilles
Author and Academic Dean of Saint Patrick's Seminary, Menlo Park (CA)

"As I read through these pages, I am reminded of our beautiful calling to pray for others, and Dr. Hollcraft explains here how to do so in deepest intimacy with Jesus Christ!"
Fr. Dave Pivonka T.O.R.
President of Franciscan University of Steubenville

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A Heart for Evangelizing - Book Cover

“Evangelization is never about numbers, and never about programs. It’s one heart setting another on fire. With this book, Dr. Hollcraft helps us keep the home fires burning—even as we set the world ablaze with Christ.”
Mike Aquilina
Award-winning author of more than 40 popular books

“Hollcraft wonderfully displays the tapestry of Catholic life and evangelization by weaving solid Catholic teaching, its application to the modern world, and clearly expressed examples that bring out the light and shadows of this beautiful picture.”
Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J.
Author, television host, Senior Fellow of the St. Paul Center
for Biblical Theology

"In a world of burgeoning textbooks and media, the reminder that  catechesis is inescapably a personal task to which we are all called, through a cooperation with the redeeming and educative work of the Person of the Holy Trinity, is a timely and important one."
Dr. Petroc Willey
Professor of Catechetics, Franciscan University of Steubenville

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