Over the past few years, my Catholic library has grown by at least ten books due in part to Edward Sri. Dr. Sri is a Catholic theologian whose writing I find very accessible. Most recently, I purchased Walking with Mary: A Biblical Journey from Nazareth to the Cross.
In this illuminating read, Dr. Sri invites you to go on a pilgrimage with Mary. From the angelic salutation in the simple confines of Nazareth to the crucifixion on Calvary, we are drawn into Mary’s humanity. There is always so much talk about the doctrines surrounding Mary that we often forget she was a human being with real feelings and emotions. Dr. Sri captures Mary’s humanness and casts it into the light of her model discipleship.
What’s more, Edward Sri does a beautiful job of showing the richness behind every Marian passage. Drawing from his robust academic background, he shows us that while there are not many places we find Mary in Sacred Scripture, when we do, the layers are many and the discoveries are enlightening and transformative.
In one particular section, Dr. Sri reflects on Mary’s fiat: “let it be done to me according to your word” (Lk 1:38), he explicates beautifully on the deeper meaning of the text. “These words highlight how Mary joyfully seeks to serve the Lord. She does not view serving the Lord as a burdensome duty, a spiritual chore she is forced to do. She enthusiastically seeks to make her life a gift to God…the Greek for ‘let it be’ (genoito) indicates not a passive acceptance of God’s will, but an active, loving embrace of it…she does not serve the Lord out of duty. She is motivated by love” (64-65). After reading this text, I was encouraged to re-evaluate how I look at my relationship with God. I was asking myself a new question: do I respond to God out of duty, or out of love? I believe when you get done reading this book, you will have asked yourself similar (and important) questions.
So my dear friends pick up Walking with Mary, you will be indebted to the wisdom of Dr. Sri and his ability to bring you side by side with Mary in her eighty mile journey from Nazareth to the Cross.